What are your routes to university?
Your Oxford advisors help you craft your own pathway to graduation. Choose classes that are meaningful to you, from a wide range of subjects and graduate with a high school diploma like A-Levels.
What are your routes to university?
IB Diploma: A rigorous and holistic program that prepares you for success at university and life beyond. Designed to address your intellectual, social, and physical wellbeing, you take six courses a year, ensuring a breadth of knowledge in languages, social studies, science, mathematics, and the arts. The program also features three mandatory “IB Core” courses: Creativity, Activity and Service, Extended Essay, and Theory of Knowledge.
A-Levels Program: This UK qualification is perfect if you already know what you want to study at university and want to take that passion to the highest level in Oxford. You select a combination of three to four subjects directly related to your future plans, and you participate in the IB's Creativity, Activity, and Service Program. We also provide the Extended Project Qualification, in which you complete a thorough research project upon graduation.
Choose between two high school diplomas in Oxford: The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme and the A-Level Program. After choosing between the two programs, with our one-of-a-kind pathway system, we help you pair classes with clubs, enrichment activities, and practical experiences that meet your passions and future goals. Your personal Pathway Manager will guide you every step of the way.
An academically challenging program that prepares students aged 16 to 19 for success at university and life beyond. Designed to address the intellectual, social, emotional, and physical well-being of students. You take six courses, ensuring a breadth of knowledge in languages, social studies, science, mathematics, and the arts. The program also features three mandatory “IB Core” courses: Creativity, Activity and Service, Extended Essay, and Theory of Knowledge.
IB Courses
A-Level (GCE Advanced Level) qualifications are a two-year program of study. This means that the exams are all taken at the end of the course, with the exception of practical assessments in science subjects, which are taken throughout the course. Examinations are held in May and June at the end of the second year.
It is recommended that students take three subjects. Most top UK universities ask for three subjects. Those who wish to take Further Maths may do so as a fourth A-Level, subject to meeting the requirements of an internal assessment that the Maths department will run at the beginning of your first term. Students will also have the opportunity to complete A-Levels in Oxford in their native language, subject to availability.
Alongside A-Level subjects, students are also able to undertake an extended project qualification (EPQ). It can provide students with the skills that universities and employers look for. Students can enjoy the freedom of working in their own way as they undertake a project based on a subject they are taking or an area of personal interest.
In addition to your A-Level subjects, all students will study English in preparation for taking the IELTS examination, which is required for entry to UK universities. All students have a lesson each week in Pathways Support, which covers Study Skills, Growth Mindset, Personal and Social Health Education, and University Preparation.
A-Level Courses
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