Greetings from our lovely New York Campus,
We are all settled into our school year routine. We welcomed a few later arrivals, but overall, everything is running as normal, the classes are all going full speed ahead, fall sports are in full swing, clubs are up and running, so all in all we are a very busy place - as any school should be! Many of our students are wishing we had many more hours in a day, so they could fit in everything they want to do and all of the new things they want to try, but alas, one of the things we are trying to teach our young is to how prioritize and make choices.
I am pleased to report that we are off to a very good start in all aspects of the school. The other day I walked through our dorms in the evening during study hall and was pleased to see all of the students engaged meaningfully in various activities, from working on their homework and various projects, to simply reading and engaging in conversations about everything under the sun. As I walk, I like to pick up a few words in various languages, that students eagerly teach me. Apparently, according to Pedro, when I say a few words that I know in Portuguese, my accent is perfect! But, I guess I need to learn a lot more than 5 words in order to fool anyone with my perfect accent. I was also pleasantly surprised with how clean all of the dorm rooms were. Hopefully I have not jinxed it!
You may have heard from your children that we have made some changes for the better in how we assess the learning. Please stay tuned, I will be sending out a separate letter in a week or two explaining everything.
It was great to see a number of our recent graduates from a few years ago come and visit school and stay for lunch. So great for all of us here at the school to see them all grown up and hear their stories, as well as positive reflections on their time at EF Academy, hence their desire to keep coming back to visit.
In the next few months, I plan to travel to various countries to visit our offices, meet with our current families and talk to prospective families. In about a week, I will be in Vietnam visiting both Hanoi and Ho Chi Min City. In early November, I will visit Russia (Moscow) and UAE (Dubai). If you are around and have time, I would be happy to meet up for a cup of tea or coffee and a chat.
Well, time to wrap up my letter to you, as it is impossible to tell you everything I wish to tell about our school and life in it. As always, please feel free to reach to me in any way that suits you. Always happy to hear from you!
A very busy place - as any school should be!
October 2023