EF Academyへ出願するには?
次に、入学アドバイザーがお電話をさせていただきます。 EF Academy の詳細、出願プロセスをご案内いたします。また、その過程で英語のテストを受験していただく可能性がございます。
各担当者より、オンライン出願専用のリンクが送信されます。自己アピール、過去 2 年間の成績証明書、パスポートなどをスキャンし、アップロードしていただく必要があります。
Our enrollment advisors will invite you to an in-person or online consultation—so you can get to know us and we can get to know you. Request a consultation
Our enrollment advisors will invite you to an in-person or online consultation—so you can get to know us and we can get to know you. Request a consultation
Create your Student Profile, choose the EF Academy campus you are applying to, your academic program and residence preferences, and provide us with essential documents, including:
A personal statement
Official transcripts from the last two years
Scan of your passport
This is your chance to tell us about your interests and ambitions, academic commitment and motivation for coming to EF Academy.
After making a holistic assessment of your application, you will receive our acceptance decision. Successful applicants will receive an acceptance pack and our Admissions Consultants will help you finalize any documentation closer to departure, including obtaining your visa.