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2023년 5월

Dr. Sally Mingarelli

EF 아카데미 패서디나 학교장

친애하는 가족 여러분,

저는 오늘 아주 조용한 캠퍼스의 책상에서 여러분에게 편지를 씁니다. 창밖을 내다보면 아름다운 산 가브리엘 산을 배경으로 창립기념일의 환상적인 추억들이 너무 많이 보입니다. 우리 패서디나 캠퍼스는 정말 멋진 첫 해였고, 그 해를 여러분의 아이들과 함께 할 수 있어서 너무나 감사했습니다. 창립기념일을 맞이하여 우리는 학교의 마지막 주에 스트롱홀 계단에서 사진과 함께 기념하는 특별한 자리를 마련할 것입니다. 앞으로 스트롱홀 앞에서 매년 사진을 찍는 전통은 졸업하는 선배들을 위해 남겨질 것이지만, 올해는 우리의 창립기념일 전체를 사로잡았습니다. 앞으로 졸업생들은 졸업모를 던지는 고전적인 전통에 참여할 것이지만, 올해는 창립기념일을 맞아 창립기념일 모자를 던졌습니다!

EF 아카데미 가족 중 젊고 성장하는 학교의 교장을 맡게 된 것은 엄청난 특권입니다. 뉴욕과 옥스퍼드에 있는 자매 학교와 함께, 우리는 전형적인 창업 학교가 누릴 수 있는 것 이상의 유산을 가지고 있으며, 이는 학생 모집과 대학 입학 노력에 도움이 됩니다. 강력한 평판과 학교 가족 간의 협력 기회의 모든 이점을 경험하면서, 창업 캠퍼스로서 우리는 또한 독특하게 민첩하고 반복적이며 반응적인 능력을 완전히 수용합니다. 우리는 학생들을 위해 아이디어를 지속적으로 프로토타입화하고 결과를 평가하며 대안적인 해결책을 제안하는 디자인 사고가와 혁신가의 진정한 정신을 모델링하는 것에 큰 자부심을 느낍니다. 교직원으로서 우리는 내년을 준비하면서 "1.0"과 "2.0"이라는 언어를 진심으로 사용하며, EF 아카데미 패서디나 버전 2.0은 올해 설립 때보다 훨씬 더 놀라운 것이 될 것이라고 약속드릴 수 있습니다!

1학년 마지막 가정통신문에서, 우리는 학교의 각 분야(학문, 학생생활, 대학 및 학업 조언)에서 여러분과 몇 가지 축하 행사를 나누고 싶습니다. 우리는 버전 1.0의 정말 눈에 띄는 순간들과 업적들을 강조하고 싶습니다. 그리고 우리는 또한 2학년 학생들에게 제공될 프로그램의 일부 추가 및 확장을 예측하고 싶습니다. 아래 버전 2.0의 미리보기를 즐겨보세요!

언제나 그렇듯이, 저는 여러분의 자녀들에게 저희를 맡기는 특권에 감사하는 마음으로 마무리하고자 합니다. 저희는 캠퍼스 공동체로서, 성공에 대한 인식과 학생들의 안녕 사이의 때때로 혼란스러운 관계를 탐구하는 데 전념하고 있습니다. 저희는 웰빙이 딥 러닝이 일어나기 위해 근본적으로 중요하다는 것을 알고 있기 때문에, 학생들을 돌보는 방법과 학생들이 서로를 돌보는 방법을 무엇보다 우선시할 것입니다.

Milestone of Year 1


The biggest celebrations from our academic program derive from the ways in which students have fully embraced and flourished within our Competency-Based Learning (CBL) approach. Students have become adept at seeking, interpreting, and incorporating feedback to set learning-focused goals. Students have committed to both process and product, accepting that many iterations of a process helps to create a quality product. Students have shown appreciation for our Project-Based approach, which allows them to explore topics that are relevant and apply their learning in projects that connect to their interests. On our Showcase of Learning day, students selected the piece of work from this year of which they were most proud and presented it to our school community. When asked why they selected that piece of work students named one of three reasons: (1) because I worked really hard on it, (2) because I am really proud of how it turned out, and (3) because this topic was personal and meaningful to me. We are so excited to keep designing next year to create more opportunities for students to experience that intrinsic motivation, that pride in their work, and a sense of personal connection and relevance in all that we do!

We also must celebrate the success of our first year of Global Leadership. As you read in the last family newsletter, the first year of that program has resulted in some amazing student projects! On our very last day of school we enjoyed our first annual Global Leadership Symposium. Open to the public, our students enjoyed sharing their work with an audience that included our school community, neighbors, reporters, prospective students and families, and an entire class of students from a local charter middle school.  It was the perfect way to end our first school year!

Among the biggest changes for Year 2, is our newly reimagined schedule. This schedule is tuned for student wellness, deeper learning, and the ability to prioritize Field Study. The schedule features 14 “sessions” across the school year that are 2-3 weeks long.  Sessions alternate between offering periods 1, 2, & 3 and periods 4, 5, & 6, with Global Leadership occurring on Wednesdays all year.  By focusing on fewer classes at a time, students are able to immerse themselves more deeply in the subjects and experience less cognitive overload from continuous task switching.  This modified block schedule is designed to enhance and deepen learning. You will see in the graphic below, that the schedule also allows for Field Study to occur three days per week with long class periods followed by WIN (“whatever is needed”) time in the afternoons on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Our campus will boast 6 new EF Academy vans in the fall, and we can’t wait to expand the walls of our classrooms to include all of the amazing urban and outdoor education opportunities in Los Angeles!

In addition to the new schedule, we are so excited to launch 30 new or reimagined classes next year, welcome 18 new faculty, and redouble our commitment to Project-Based Learning through our partnership with the Buck Institute! One final Version 2.0 innovation worth sharing here is the growth and development of our Design Labs. Next year we will have 4 distinct creative and creating spaces for students: a Prototyping Lab, a Fabrication Lab, a Media Lab, and a Robotics Lab (as we launch our participation in competitive FIRST robotics next year). We can’t wait to see what students make possible in these spaces!

Student Life 

It has been joyful to see our campus come to life in our opening year, with students, faculty and staff filling our campus with the sounds of community-building, friendship-making and learning. One of the highlights was Culture Fair, where our students celebrated cultures from around the world with gratitude and pride – we all enjoyed experiencing traditional dances, music, singing, story-telling and cooking. Our first formal Student Council took shape this year and our students have taken on this responsibility with gravitas and honor. We have felt inspired by the way in which our student leaders are growing and fine-tuning their skills to listen, hear, express and problem-solve for the community in which they serve.

Year 2 promises to be even better with exciting clubs, sports, activities and excursions planned, opportunities for students to become more involved as student leaders in the dorms and the chance to begin to explore goals about which they’re passionate. We want our students to continue to have the opportunity to try new things and find what makes them happy. As our student population is growing next year, we are looking forward to moving into two residence buildings in September, which we plan to make homey, welcoming spaces for students to live in. Our Residential Life and Student Services Team will also continue to grow to ensure that we are here to support students every step of the way on this exciting journey. We hope you have a wonderful summer together and we can’t wait to see you in August!

University and Academic Advising

Final report cards for the 2022-2023 academic year are now available in PowerSchool. Please see the email sent to students and families on June 6 with instructions for how to access the report cards.  

Class of 2024 – We could not be more excited to welcome our first seniors back to campus in the fall after a well-earned restful, fun, and meaningful summer. In preparation for next year, our new grade 12 students and families will receive regular messages throughout the summer from the University & Academic Advising team to keep them on track with important tasks and helpful resources to prepare them for success in the university admissions process. The first of these messages will arrive on Friday, June 9, sharing a summer checklist and upcoming deadlines. It is important that students stay on top of these tasks to be prepared for a successful journey through the university admission process.

Class of 2025 and 2026 – Students returning for grades 10 or 11 should do what we’d ask any student to do: have a restful, meaningful, and fun summer. The most important thing they can do with these months is to try new things, spend time with friends and family, and indulge in the hobbies and passions that they don’t have enough time for during the school year. Don’t worry about structure or “impressiveness” – the things that bring students joy and feel like they’re worth your time will be wonderful parts of their story when it’s time to apply to college. Have a wonderful summer (we can’t wait to hear how you spent it!) and we’ll see you at the end of August!

Updates & Reminders

Campus Arrival

Students should plan to arrive to campus on August 29 or 30. Flights should always be booked to arrive between 6:00 am and 8:00 pm. Please send your arrival details to [email protected] by no later than August 1.

Winter Break
  • Students may begin departing campus at 12:00 pm PDT on December 13 and must depart by no later than 3:00 pm PDT on December 14. Flights should be arranged to accommodate these campus departure times.

  • Students should plan to return to campus on January 10. Flights should always be booked to arrive between 6:00 am and 8:00 pm PDT.

Spring Break
  • Students may begin departing campus at 12:00 pm PDT on March 6 and must depart by no later than 3:00 pm PDT on March 7. Flights should be arranged to accommodate these campus departure times.

  • Students should plan to return to campus on March 26. Flights should always be booked to arrive between 6:00 am and 8:00 pm PDT.

End of Year Departures
  • Grade 12 students must depart after Graduation on May 18 and should plan to leave campus by no later than 10:00 pm PDT.

  • Underclassmen may start departing from campus on May 25 and must depart by no later than 3:00 pm PDT on May 26. Flights should be arranged to accommodate these campus departure times.

2023-2024 School Year Calendar 
  • For your convenience, you can find next year's academic calendar: here.

  • Stay up to date on everything happening at EF Academy Pasadena with our Instagram @efacademypasadena!

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