EF Academy Preparation Program

Ready, set, succeed: Enhancing English Skills for Future Scholars

Who is this program for? Our program is designed for students who need to build strong foundations in academic English before embarking on grade-level courses and to equip them with the skills and knowledge they need to excel in our academic programs. Whether they are looking to develop or enhance their English proficiency in reading, writing, listening, and speaking, this program ensures readiness for a full academic curriculum in English.

Program details

Location: New York Campus

Grades: For students entering grades 9 and 10.

Durations and dates:

  • Fall intake: 38 weeks

  • Winter intake: 30 weeks

  • Spring intake: 19 weeks

  • Summer intake: 9 weeks

Comprehensive academic English program

  • Master Academic English: Develop the language skills required to excel in all subject areas.

  • Personalized Support: Enjoy one-on-one mentorship throughout the program.

  • Continuous Progress Monitoring: Receive targeted feedback and support to ensure steady improvement.

  • Executive Functioning Skills: Enhance the skills needed for academic and personal success.

  • Confidence and Readiness: Be fully prepared for the academic year ahead.

  • Unique Experiences: Engage in enriching activities on and off campus.

  • Ongoing Support: Upon completing the EF Academy Preparation Program, students will join our EAL (English as an Additional Language) program, continuing to receive support during their first year at EF Academy.

Seewoo from South Korea now studies at Parsons...

Bra for studenter som...

  • Need to build a foundation of academic English before entering grade-level courses

  • Want to strengthen particular aspects of English-level abilities in reading, writing, listening, and speaking

  • Want an immersive English language learning experience

Program yearly schedule
Four pathways

Read more about our four unique pathways you can choose from.

Duration: 38 weeks (27 August 2024 - 23 May 2025)

Who it's for: Designed for early-stage English learners with limited prior experience, this pathway offers an intensive year-long language program. Students will progress from foundational to academic language skills, preparing them for life at EF Academy.


First 27 weeks: Intensive, full-day English language courses tailored to individual needs.

Final 11 weeks: Academic language skills across six subjects with a specialized curriculum.

Assessment: Monthly progress reports with detailed feedback and individual meetings to celebrate growth and plan improvements. The Director is available for family conferences.

Integration: Students will join noncredit Art and Physical Education classes and after-school clubs with current EF Academy students, ensuring full integration into the school community. They will participate in all campus activities, preparing for entry into 9th or 10th grade.

Support: Individual academic support and pairing with trained dorm parents and resident assistants. Prep Program teachers often continue teaching students in later grades, fostering strong relationships.

Duration: 30 weeks (9 January 2025 - 8 August 2025)

Who it's for: For students with some foundational English skills, this pathway reinforces these skills and integrates them into boarding school life for a semester, preparing them for EF Academy.


First 11 weeks: Continue developing foundational English skills with Fall Pathway students.

Final 19 weeks: Transition to academic language skills across 6-8 subjects.

Assessment: Monthly progress reports with specific feedback and individual meetings. The Director is available for detailed feedback sessions with families.

Integration: Similar to the Fall Pathway, students join non-credit subjects and after-school clubs, fully integrating into the EF Academy community. Participation in all campus activities ensures comprehensive preparation for entry into higher grades.

Support: Individual academic support, office hours, and pairing with trained dorm parents and resident assistants. Preparation Program teachers often work with students in later grades., aiding their transition.

Duration: 19 weeks (31 March 2025 - 8 August 2025)

Who it's for: For students with a strong English foundation, this pathway focuses on developing academic language skills.

Structure: Students will engage in a rigorous academic language development program. The program is comprised of individual units of study every four weeks unified by unique themes across core content areas.

Assessment: Regular progress monitoring to ensure a smooth transition into EF Academy.

Integration: Students will join noncredit subjects and after school clubs. Over the summer months on campus students will mix with our International Summer School students from around the world.

Support: Continuous individual support and progress monitoring. Students benefit from trained dorm parents and resident assistants. Preparation Program teachers often work with students in later grades, easing their transition to EF Academy.

Duration: 9 weeks (25 June 2025 - 29 August 2025)

Who it's for: For students with strong foundational English skills needing to acclimate to boarding school and the demands of American international high school.


First 3 weeks: Acclimation to learning in a US classroom and boarding school life

Next 3 weeks: Rigorous academic language skills development

Final 3 weeks: Integration and practice

Assessment: Regular progress monitoring to ensure readiness for EF Academy courses.

Integration: Students will have sufficient time to acclimatise to life at boarding school. Over the summer months on campus students will mix with our International Summer School students from around the world.

Support: Continuous individual support and progress monitoring throughout the program. Our approach ensures students develop both academic and social skills, easing their transition to EF Academy.

What's included?

– Meals

– Accommodation on campus

– Necessary educational materials

– Excursions and activities

Academic and experiential learning

The curriculum is designed to provide students with a foundation for secondary-level academic study, regardless of the educational system they currently follow. Our recommended entry point to the program is based on your English level.

Students follow a varied schedule that includes taking core classes, engaging in project-based learning, attending clubs and school-wide activities, and participating in team-building sessions. One day a week is dedicated to experiential learning offcampus, and on weekends, students explore New York City and enjoy other exciting activities with their peers. This diverse way of learning provides students with a strong foundation of both academic and social skills that will facilitate the transition to attending high school in an international setting.

Subject areas

  • English Skills: listening, reading, speaking, writing

  • Language & Literature

  • Humanities

  • Mathematics

  • Science

  • Art/Music

Program weekly schedule

Learn more about EF Academy Preparation Program fees for each pathway.

Ai from Japan not only learned English but learned independence...



Tuition ($)

Student life fee ($)

Total ($)

Fall pathway

Aug '24 - May '25




Winter pathway

Jan '25 - Aug '25




Spring pathway

Mar '25 - Aug '25




Summer pathway

Jun '25 - Aug '25




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