Hello from New York to everyone near and far,
What an exciting week this was! It feels so good to have our students back, when our halls are filled with noise and laughter, everyone is full of energy and excitement to start yet another year here at EF Academy New York. For some, it is their last year in school before launching into adulthood, for some it is the first year of high school, for some it is the first year here at our school, and some are returning for another year. But, for all, it is anticipation of fun of discovery and learning together in our multicultural family, where diversity is not just a word, but a way of life. I cannot walk down the hallway without hearing at least 3-4 different languages spoken (I feel lucky if I understand one or two of them).
As always, we started our year with New York City scavenger hunt. What better way to get to know the heart of the city and each other! After a long weekend and activities ranging from line dancing to field games, to marshmallow roast by the fire side, to a movie, we jumped right into the classes.
We have a lot on offer this year, please expect to hear very soon from your child’s teachers introducing themselves and the course they are teaching. Our sports teams also are off to a good start. I am privileged to be one of the cross-country running coaches and am thrilled to report we have the largest cohort of runners in our school’s history and probably the fastest. Boys’ and girls’ soccer, as well as girls’ volleyball have also selected their teams and started getting ready for their first games. We are looking forward to club fair next week so our students could select a club or two of their interest.
Over the summer our campus received a “face lift” please see below some information on our new names for the buildings and other features that appeared on campus.
As always, I can write about our school for a very long time but must contain myself. I would like to finish this letter with our all-staff photo, which was taken at our traditional start of the year charity event for the benefit of the children locally. This time we have assembled fun packs for pediatric patients and their families at Westchester Medical Center, a hospital that works closely with our students and staff on many health-related issues.
With this, I welcome you to enjoy the rest of our first Newsletter of this academic year!
As always, I stay open to any and all communication from you via any mode you prefer.
Be well,
Dr. Vladimir D. Kuskovski
Head of School, EF Academy New York
Upcoming activities:
The school year may have just started, but we already have a bunch of fun activities planned! This month, plan to see:
Bonfires and s'mores in the Courtyard
Outdoor movies on South Quad
Sports on the turf field, including soccer and capture the flag
Cooking classes
New York City excursions
Shopping mall trips
Baseball games
Hiking trips to state parks
..and so much more!
Upcoming Important Dates
Winter Break
Students may begin departing campus after 12:00pm EST on December 11 and must depart by no later than 3:00pm EST on December 12. Flights should be arranged to accommodate these campus departure times.
Students should plan to return to campus on January 9. Flights should always be booked to arrive between 6:00 am and 8:00 pm EST.
Spring Break
Students may begin departing campus after 12:00pm on March 5 and must depart by no later than 3:00pm EST on March 6. Flights should be arranged to accommodate these campus departure times.
Students should plan to return to campus on March 25. Flights should always be booked to arrive between 6:00 am and 8:00 pm EST.
End of Year Departures
Grade 12 students must depart after Graduation on May 24 after 2:00pm EST and should plan to leave campus by no later than 11:00pm EST on May 24.
Grade 9, Grade 10 and Grade 11 students may start departing from campus at 12:00pm EST on May 23rd. There will be no departures leaving from 12:00am – 2:00pm on May 24 (flights cannot depart until 7:00pm) to accommodate for our graduation ceremony. Departures will then continue with the latest departure time of 3:00pm on May 25.
For your convenience, you can find this year's academic calendar here.