校園大使在發展學生生活和校園活動方面發揮著不可或缺的作用,並作為 EF Academy 的代表。該計畫向紐約、南加州和牛津的學生開放,他們希望成為所在社區的領導者並推廣 EF Academy 所代表的價值觀。即使在充滿挑戰的情況下也要樹立好榜樣,並且始終願意幫助他人。
EF Academy 大使計劃
校園大使在發展學生生活和校園活動方面發揮著不可或缺的作用,並作為 EF Academy 的代表。該計畫向紐約、南加州和牛津的學生開放,他們希望成為所在社區的領導者並推廣 EF Academy 所代表的價值觀。即使在充滿挑戰的情況下也要樹立好榜樣,並且始終願意幫助他人。
EF Academy 大使必須履行一定的責任才能參與計畫。 作為交換,大使可以獲得一定的獎勵和好處。
Act as leaders within our school community by engaging students in residential life and supporting activities (e.g. Welcome Days)
Attend monthly meetings with other Ambassadors
Serve as a point of contact for current and prospective students regarding student life—leading campus tours, sharing your student experiences, etc.
Support Admissions & Marketing by representing EF Academy in your home country and around the world—sharing your experience in videos, events and social media
Participate in a student-wide project aimed at enhancing daily life
Professional development courses provided by EF Academy to enhance your skillset for becoming a responsible global leader
Team-building activities with other Ambassadors—challenges, games, workshops and more
Summer internship opportunities to gain hands-on work experience
Valuable experience and references for university applications
Invitations to Ambassador events and parties
Credits towards CAS requirements (Oxford)
Project planning & development support
校園大使們努力實現 EF 國際中學的願景,即透過我們的多元文化學習社群培養真正的全球公民意識。我們歡迎擁有深遠技能和興趣、渴望發展 EF 學院學生檔案特徵的學生。
EF Academy 校園大使計畫開放給紐約 9-11 年級學生和牛津校區一年級(11 年級)學生申請,要考慮參加計劃的學生們必須填寫下面連結中的申請表。
紐約校區:2 月 9 日(五)。
牛津校區:2 月 19 日(一)。
Still have questions about the program? Are you unsure of whether to apply and want to talk to someone about it?
New York: Please contact the Ambassador Advisors
Oxford: Please contact Dona Jones
Pasadena: Please contact Copper Clark