
優秀的教育總是始於優秀的教師團隊, 我們教師對國際教育有著相同的熱情,都表現在他們用以豐富課堂內容課的親身國際經驗。 許多人擁有博士學位並積極從事研究,體現了對實踐學習的奉獻精神,並將其融入您的課程中。

我們是充滿熱情的教師、顧問和導師。 我們也是與您共同創建的全球社區中忠誠的共同學習者。 這就是為什麼當一天的課程結束後我們的工作並沒有結束。 我們的門在辦公時間始終敞開。 我們為您的運動團隊提供指導,並為您的文化俱樂部提供建議。 我們觀賞您的戲劇、音樂會和藝術展。 我們隨時為您服務。

Emma Gernez


“I refrain from giving our students lectures or lists of things they need to memorize by heart. It is their interpretation, their understanding, their reflections, and the links they make between texts that will lead them to produce their best work. I tend to emphasize skills over content since skills are forever and infinitely adaptable to all sorts of contexts.”

在巴黎獲得法國文學碩士學位後,Emma Gernez 來到牛津學習英語,並很快愛上了這座城市、這個地區、這門語言和這裡的人民。 她在牛津大學的多所國際學校教授法語 12 年,並在加入 EF 之前獲得了 PGCE 證書 牛津學院,2014 年。 她喜歡向學生學習不同的文化背景,並希望將一點法國帶到課堂上。

Zen Fordham


“The most important thing for me as an educator is to develop a dialogic classroom in which answers are reached collaboratively. Creating an inclusive and supportive atmosphere is essential in doing this but it is also key that students understand the central role they play in their own learning. One benefit of this is that it encourages students to be more autonomous and prepares them well for what will be expected of them at university and beyond. On a more personal level, it makes my job far more stimulating. The same lesson can explore vastly different avenues of knowledge depending on the students in the room.”

Zen Fordham 在布里斯託大學獲得了文學碩士學位,隨後又獲得了劍橋大學的教育證書。 他曾在英國和海外的多所學校任教。 加入 EF 前 學院期間,他擔任斯洛維尼亞一所國際學校的英語系主任。 他在 EF 的角色 在學院,福特漢姆先生旨在激勵學生分享他對語言和文學的熱情。

Dr. Amy Webber


“The beauty of teaching science is that your day centers around helping others to understand the world around them and to solve problems they see using evidence and logic. Watching our students persevere through a challenge and agree upon new and creative ways to improve an issue is a real gift. Even more rewarding is when our young people apply this approach to other areas of their lives. It’s easy to see how the scientists at EF Academy will use the skills they learn with us to truly become the next generation of global changemakers.”

Dr. Amy Webber 的專業知識植根於她的旅程,她在華威大學獲得物理學碩士和博士學位,而她的研究涵蓋了法國的磁共振物理學和牛津大學的量子計算。 她仍在牛津大學教授物理,目前是 STEM 大使和 EF Academy Oxford 科學系主任。 她結合了虛擬實境等創新學習實踐來吸引學生並分享她對科學的熱情。

Matthew Foster

IB 協調員、歷史教師和 全球政治

“Students learn best when they find the part of the subject that appeals to them. That will be different for all of them, but the most important step they can take academically is to say, ‘I want to know more about this’. Once they want that, everything else follows.”

Matthew Foster 憑藉他領導學校人文部門的商業管理經驗以及他在大學教授歷史、法律和政治的經驗,為 IB 文憑課程協調員的角色帶來了豐富的專業知識。 Mr. Foster 畢業於牛津大學,擁有約克大學碩士學位,並曾在一家領先的國際律師事務所從事法律工作。



最好的學習方式就是身體力行,在課堂內外自己發掘。 我們堅持小班制教學,透過小組式的專題討論專注於培養第一手技能與知識,並將其概念帶入現實生活。


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